Manifesto of Regenopolis

Regenopolis is a collaborative initiative to support the regeneration of cities and natural ecosystems for the benefit of thriving communities and future generations

Values and underlying principles

We are a place for bold thinkers, long-term leaders, smart connectors and purposeful entrepreneurs.

We are a system-change organization believing in the power of the collective to tackle critical social and environmental problems through the combined action of new technologies, ancient wisdom and committed citizens.

We are part of a growing global community of counscious ecopreneurs passionate about the future of Earth and a more regenerative future, aware that every choice we make now have an impact for generations to come, aware of the necessity to shed layers of past patterns created for a societal and economic system that is no longer working.

We are chosing new paradigms of a nature-positive and fair development : we acknowledge Nature higher order and inherent value for humanity ; we break accross silos by developing trusted partnerships for the greater good with leaders in civil society, government, business and finance.

We believe that what is happening today requires a deep, radical transformation accross entire systems: the way we consume, produce and power our lives; the way we relate to one another; the way we relate to nature.

We believe that prosperity and well-being can only flourish on a healthy planet : counscious actions on climate change, protection of nature and urban resilience will lead to healthier citizens, more jobs, less injustice and a more equal and desirable future.

We believe that we have the money and the knowledge for solutions to emerge. But the financial and governance system does not allow it.

We believe in an inclusive system that is based on decentralization that allows all stakeholders to contribute with their knowledge, actions and resources.

We think global but act local, supporting cities and grassroot initiatives to become beacons of change.

We are committed to operate with purpose.

We are committed to unleash the power of the collective.

We are committed to improve well-being today, as well as well-being of future generations.

We are committed to assemble with fellow builders of a regenerative planet and thriving communities.

regenopolis manifesto

Our mission

Supporting entrepreneurs address climate change, reverse nature and biodiversity loss and ensure social equity through nature-positive solutions for urban development, land restoration and community development.

Addressing the mismatch between impactful projects and capital in Africa.​

We are committed to unlock climate & biodiversity projects deal flow and fast-track their matching with aligned capital.

The reality observed is that the global system tackling climate & biodiversity challenges continues to fall short of delivering a constant flow of bankable and impactful projects pipeline: tremendous sums are pledged but fail to be matched with viable and impactful projects. Existing climate and biodiversity finance focus is essentially on later stage of the project lifecycle, unable to support climate and nature-based projects at early stage, local innovations and co-creation processes.

Without deploying capital and technical support at the earlier stages of project development, a wealth of projects run the risk of never being implemented, making it impossible to reach a 2-degree scenario, reverse biodiversity loss and develop truly regenerative cities.

Ecopreneurs need visibility and support to consolidate, grow and scale.


We live in a broken economic, social, environmental system: we have a decade to act.

The system upon which our civilizations has been thriving for over a century is fast destroying the very ecosystems that sustain us for our living – through air pollution, soil degradation, deforestation and extinction of millions of species. It is also destroying our democratic system and values with global inequalities rising again.  90% of biodiversity loss, and around 50% of all climate change impacts, are caused by the way we extract and process natural resources fueling economic growth.

Yet, people are growing more conscious of the fragility of our planet, and at times of dire circumstances, are looking for improved well-being and health, for an increased sense of belonging and community, and a growing care for impact. It is possible to harness this willpower to shift the system to a more favorable axis, putting Planet and People first, for a flourishing biosphere.

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Africa first

Africa is the continent that is the most affected by the climate and biodiversity crises.

It is also the fastest growing, youngest and most entrepreneurial continent, as well as a laboratory of innovation.

For decades and centuries, Africa has been seen as a continent of misery prone to prevarication.  It is now time to see Africa as the cradle of a new regenerative development model.